CCP Executive Director, Bruce Bennett, traveled to the Philippines and Cambodia in August 2015 to meet with national CCP leaders and lead seminars for church planting trainers in the countries. The trip to the Philippines built upon a trip to the country about one year earlier, while Bruce's time in Phnom Penh marked his first visit to Cambodia. See below for scenes from the meetings in the two countries.
Seminar participants in the Philippines.
Training in Davao City, Philippines
Church leaders met in Davao City from 9 to 11 September 2015 for training in church planting with CCP director Bruce Bennett. The participants were from the Free Methodist denomination, and came from numerous cities in the country. This was an outstanding opportunity for the church planting leaders to seek the Lord together and share experiences.
Training in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
From the Philippines, Bruce traveled onward to Cambodia for four days of training with CCP leaders in the country. The training included many practical aspects of church planting implementation, including the development of strategy and group discussions to develop step-by-step approaches.
Results -- Seminar participants hold up panels with detailed plans for church planting.
The church planting leaders worked together in groups, and discussed ways in which they could reach Cambodia through the discipleship of their countrymen and the planting of reproducing churches.
A roadmap for the future.
One of the benefits of multi-day seminars is for conference leaders and students to spend time getting to know each other informally, sharing perspectives and experiences. Time spent over meals is an essential ingredient.
Sharing a meal together between seminar sessions.