One of the core concepts of Community Church Planting is the "person of peace," who is someone whom God is preparing to hear and act upon God's direction.
In a seminary's church planting class in Medellin, Colombia, students were challenged to follow the example of Jesus in Luke chapter 10. Members of the class went out into their communities two by two to cultivate friendships so they could share Christ with the people they met. The students from the Seminario Biblico searched for the persons of peace in whose hearts the Lord had begun working.
The seminarians made contact with people from many walks of life, including the following:
- A guy at a gym
- A taxi driver
- A relative
- A rugby team mate
- An acquaintance reached through a cold call
The following video compiled by the professor and his associate describes some of the experiences gained by the seminary students, and how the Lord worked through them to reach others.
Multiplication Ministry through the Person of Peace Project
The students stepped out of the comfort zone of the classroom into real-world settings, and witnessed God working in powerful ways. They experienced first hand how looking for persons of peace can be a personal, natural, and effective way to share the gospel of Christ.